Wednesday, November 3, 2010

WoW!! Things have been so crazy that I have not had the time to post lately!! I always feel so blessed and greatful for the life the lord has given me in good times and in bad...but recently he gave us a beautiful baby boy and I feel overjoyed to have this addition to our family. His sister absolutly LOVESSSSS him, it is the sweetest thing to see her with him and hear her talk to melt my heart...these are the moments that life should be made simple and heart-warming. Love both of my children so very much!!!!
When I think about happiness....I dont need anything but the loves of my life: My savior, My husband, my daughter and son!!! These things make me so happy beyond any earthly possession!! I want to hold my babies in my arms always and just stare at them because the creation of these little rascals is such a miracle....God is good!!